Droplinks, being where they are will suffer ageing, corrosion and wear and tear, with drivers hearing a knocking or dull metallic sound when these fail.
In this photo you can see there is a piece of Rubber missing, not good. This is a prime example of why the droplinks knock. The Rubber absorber has disintegrated therefore the Anti-roll bar has nothing to sit on except a washer. This also affects the handling. Bolts can also get bent and very rusty.
Replacements can be bought from a place called http://www.camskill.co.uk/products.php?plid=m3b0s0p0 who will go out of their way to make the parts transition as smooth as.
In this photo you can see there is a piece of Rubber missing, not good. This is a prime example of why the droplinks knock. The Rubber absorber has disintegrated therefore the Anti-roll bar has nothing to sit on except a washer. This also affects the handling. Bolts can also get bent and very rusty.
Replacements can be bought from a place called http://www.camskill.co.uk/products.php?plid=m3b0s0p0 who will go out of their way to make the parts transition as smooth as.
The following photos give you an idea of what you will need.
Droplink bolts for GR
Polyurethane bushes for longevity
Polyurethane Anti-roll bar buhes (ARB)
This kit is for the GR.
Kits are available
for otherFTOs,
And last but not least but more importantly are the ARB bushes. Replace these at the same time and you'll also stop sideways and upward movement of the ARB. Grab on to the bar and really get the car to rock, any movement calls for replacement.
If you are going to attempt this job, get a mate to come round and give you a hand. More hands make less work.......wear goggles, there's mud under there you know!
Hope this Blog helps you out in some way.
Argie (Dorset)
Nice un you got here :)
Cheers Brocas :)
Hey nice blog, i'm currently changing the rear drop links on my FTO GR and I've got the new one in with washers and bushes (though mine are purple superflex not red superflex for some reason - from camskill though).
I've jacked the axle up to take some of the weight off the suspension while tightening up the bolt but I don't know HOW far to tighten it. The original one was very tight as the bushes were squashed, but how much is "right" when putting new ones on?
I don't want to go too tight (too far up the bolt) and end up with droplinks that pull the lower arm up too much?). So should the new bushes look squashe flat or just squashed a little?
A photo of yours when fitted would be handy. I'm pretty good with stuff like this but there is no info on this kind of drop link, or how far to run the nut up (the amount of bolt to leave poking out the bottom end)
Thanks if you can help
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